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🦈 Mattia Malpassi running hot on Day1 E

Entries 163/ Left 29

A knockout performance, that of the chip leader at Day1 E, the penultimate flight available to qualify for Day2 B (Sunday at 13:00 Day1 F Speed) of the Sharkbay main event here in San Marino.

Before talking about how things went at the tables, let's recap the numbers: 163 entries and xx qualifiers, which added to the 53 from Day 1 D and E, bringing the total to XXX pending Day 1 F.

We emphasized the day's chip leader, Mattia Malpassi (photo below) because his result is by far the best recorded of all 5 Day1s played so far.

"A nice day," Mattia said at the end of the tournament, "I started the Day from the first level, and, to be honest, I shortened almost immediately until around mid-day the wind changed. They moved me up a table and I ended up in a pleasant one to play with players who were certainly experienced and I made very few mistakes.

What there was to maximize I maximized let's say... I play for fun, I'm not a professional and it's also the first time I've closed in the lead at a Day 1. Let's hope it goes well!"

The Top 5

If Mattia is unreachable for everyone, Carmine Salvioli (second in today's count) is certainly more within reach of his opponents, but with 482,000 chips he will certainly have fun on Day 2 B.

He is followed a few blinds behind by Domenico Frisenna (457,000), with Lulei Hu (416,000) and Mateo Shehai (407,000) slightly behind.

An excellent performance by one of the last winners of the ReMida Poker Team, Gianluca Cammarata (9th with 380,000), as well as Antonio Scalzi who managed to qualify for the next day even if with a smaller stack (167,000).

Below is the chip count and seat redraw ahead of Day 2 B.

Unofficial Chipcount & Seat Redraw

  Surname Name Stack Table Seat

  1. MALPASSI MATTIA 824000 TAV.21 9

  2. SALVIOLI CARMINE 482000 TAV.21 3

  3. FRISENNA DOMENICO 457000 TAV.20 3

  4. HU LULEI 416000 TAV.26 4

  5. SHEHAJ MATEO 407000 TAV.20 7


  7. CALVARESI DAVIDE 381000 TAV.28 3

  8. PARROTTA THOMAS 380000 TAV.28 2

  9. CAMMARATA GIANLUCA 380000 TAV.28 10

  10. PULCINI MARIO 377000 TAV.21 6


  12. GIULIANELLI MARIO 326000 TAV.26 1

  13. AVOSSA FRANCESCO 324000 TAV.21 7

  14. PADOVAN DENIS 282000 TAV.20 1

  15. IRONICO GIANFRANCO 280000 TAV.20 6

  16. MUCCINI DAVIDE 262000 TAV.20 10

  17. VENTO GIUSEPPE 217000 TAV.21 2

  18. ZAFFAGNINI UMBERTO 211000 TAV.21 10

  19. SOLIMENO GIUSEPPE 192000 TAV.26 7

  20. MOSCONI MARCELLO 181000 TAV.28 6

  21. RADDI GIACOMO 176000 TAV.26 6

  22. SCALZI ANTONIO 167000 TAV.21 5

  23. ASCARI FABRIZIO 158000 TAV.20 8

  24. RICCARDI MARINO 149000 TAV.21 4

  25. ALVISI ANGELO 136000 TAV.28 1

  26. MANCINI GIUSEPPE 111000 TAV.26 10


  28. SARATA ARTUR 90000 TAV.26 3

  29. MARINI GIANLUCA 78000 TAV.26 9



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