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🇩🇪 Leonidas Kalaitzidis ruggisce al Day1 H

Immagine del redattore: Stefano AtzeiStefano Atzei

Entries 910/ Left 117

Con un Day1 d'anticipo, il Turbo di questa mattina che si prevede particolarmente affolato, la 52° edizione di IPS è già un successo, e sebbene possa sembrare quasi leggitima un po' di autoreferenzialità, preferiamo spostare l'accento su tutti coloro i quali hanno reso possibile questo grande risultato.

Quando l'Italian poker Sport arriva dalle parti di Rozvadov si respira un'aria diversa, uno stato di eccitazione collettiva, e contagiosa, che coinvolge sia i giocatori agli addetti ai lavori. Il segreto di IPS, se di segreto si può parlare, sta proprio nell'affetto che migliaia di giocatori ci ha dimostrano nei 10 anni di vita del torneo. Sembrerà retorica, ma è proprio così.

I numeri

Il Day1 H, sul quale porremo l'accento, ha totalizzato 910 ingressi portando altri 117 giocatori al Day2. Assieme ai 1277 ingressi del flight mattutino, Il Day1 G, in una sola giornata di giochi l'IPS Main Event ha totalizzato 2.183 entries.

Si è disputato un Day1 anche al King's di Praga, che ha potuto contare su 132 ingressi e 17 qualificati. Il migliore di tutti è stato l'italiano Claudio Di Giacomo, che grazie alle sue 1.286.000 chip partirà dalla quinta posizione nel count overall.

In totale, con ancora il Day1 I da disputare, l'Italian Poker Sport ha già collezionato 4.137 ingressi, 263 in più rispetto all'edizione estiva, la numero 51, vinta da Kooresh Shafaatian. Il record della 52° edizione ha alzato l'asticella europea a 5.166: per superare questo numero servirebbero 1.029 ingressi +1 all'ultimo flight disponibile.

Record possibile? Lo scorso anno furono in 765 a prendere d'assalto il Turbo, con 5 livelli di late registration aperta. Se i numeri si equivarranno sarà stato comunque un trionfo, quest'anno però la late è aperta, come per gli altri flight, per 10 livelli di gioco...

Il Day1 H

Si chiude con 117 qualificati e Leonidas Kalaitzidis a fare da capofila con 1.156.000 chip che, al momento, garantiscono la 9° posizione nel count overall. Al secondo posto l'italiano Michele Nurchi a quota 1.092.000, mentre Patrick Alexander tedesco come il chipleader, chiude a 905.000 in terza posizione.

La Top 5 odierna viene completata dallo svedese Hasse fati 859.000 e dal greco Thodoris Bariampas 815.000. Si qualifican al Day 2 anche Symeon Alexandridis, runner-up all'ultimo Wolf High Roller in Liechtenstein (476.000). A seguire il count completo con relativi stack.

Unofficial Chipcount Day1 H

  1. Leonidas Kalaitzidis Germany 1156000

  2. Michele Nurchi Italy 1092000

  3. Patrick Alexander Stoerr Germany 905000

  4.  Hasse fati Sweden 859000

  5. Thodoris Bariampas Greece 815000

  6. Gheorghi Tafratov Bulgaria 806000

  7. Pierluigi Cicchelli Italy 805000

  8. Emmanouil Zacharakis Greece 714000

  9. Aleksandar Verstovsek Serbia 685000

  10. Alen Keser Slovenia 678000

  11. Devid Scifo Italy 674000

  12. David Petrak Czech Republic 639000

  13. Michal Miks Czech Republic 582000

  14. Sadek Habib Germany 578000

  15. Sandor Mate Hungary 577000

  16. OXYMORON Romania 576000

  17. Matter Sweema Serbia 575000

  18. JULIO Spain 570000

  19. Julien Albert P Fabris Belgium 568000

  20. Daniel Strachinescu Romania 565000

  21. Stavros Siogas Greece 555000

  22. Zigigi Georgia 539000

  23. AVES Bulgaria 535000

  24. Antonio Cabboi Germany 531000

  25. Thomas Ferad Demir Turkey 518000

  26. Piotr Karol Wasilewski Poland 516000

  27. Eldor Levy Sahar Israel 515000

  28. Alexandru Farcasanu Romania 512000

  29. Abdelkarim Benabi France 500000

  30. Francesco Polito Germany 499000

  31. CARLOS Poland 496000

  32. Michail Kavouras Greece 493000

  33. Asamina Germany 481000

  34. Edvin Osmani Albania 480000

  35. Vasileios Tsaknis Greece 477000

  36. Symeon Alexandridis Greece 476000

  37. Krzysztof Mateusz Wawryniuk Poland 463000

  38. Thomas Kurt Kastenhuber Germany 456000

  39. Nicolae Claudiu Modrea Romania 453000

  40. Alessandro Italy 450000

  41. Domenico Fabio Postorino Italy 450000

  42. Marigel Trimi Albania 450000

  43. Antonello Zaccaria Italy 445000

  44. Mario Corso Italy 438000

  45. Juri Germany 438000

  46. Jokerstar21 Austria 421000

  47. Valter Affatato Italy 409000

  48. Enrico Grella Italy 402000

  49. Andrii Stebelskyi Poland 397000

  50. Francesco Andre Valentini Italy 395000

  51. Rafik Jebali Italy 392000

  52. Miroslav Salaj Slovakia 392000

  53. Italian poker beast Greece 390000

  54. Stefan Raschbauer Austria 389000

  55. Nicola Stagi Italy 370000

  56. Louis Beton Germany 368000

  57. DT Germany 368000

  58. George Inan Netherlands 367000

  59. Martin Ehrensperger Switzerland 365000

  60. Mitar Ceranic Montenegro 363000

  61. Francesco Pio Russo Italy 357000

  62. Skibtz Germany 355000

  63. Adrian Ziemichod Poland 354000

  64. Michael Adam Czech Republic 341000

  65. Renato Alberto Ardelean Romania 340000

  66. Giorgio Di Scala Italy 330000

  67. NINUZZU Italy 319000

  68. Carmine Salvioli Italy 316000

  69. Christopher Campisano Italy 314000

  70. Erik Jahnsen Germany 307000

  71. Sebastian Andrzej Marzec Poland 299000

  72. Vincenzo De Angelis Italy 298000

  73. Stephan Michael Dawo Germany 288000

  74. Salvatore Terdossi Italy 285000

  75. Antonio Fragale Italy 285000

  76. Josef Kollar Czech Republic 283000

  77. Alexander Thoss Germany 279000

  78. Mathias Falandys Germany 279000

  79. Rafail Athanasios Bolousis Greece 274000

  80. Marco Siciliano Switzerland 270000

  81. LORD MULLIGAN Germany 269000

  82. D.BiBoss France 266000

  83. Elvis Skokan Croatia 262000

  84. Robin Volker Frey Germany 254000

  85. Dr J Switzerland 254000

  86. Ka Ming Li Netherlands 252000

  87. Franz Stefan Jung Germany 252000

  88. Oliver Ullrich Germany 251000

  89. MOUSA Romania 247000

  90. Tomas Schejbal Czech Republic 245000

  91. Giacomo Evangelista Italy 239000

  92. Dario Vilardi Italy 233000

  93. Cimi Italy 233000

  94. Fatih Mehmet Akin Turkey 229000

  95. Alexandru Pintilie Romania 225000

  96. Kurt Filter Switzerland 218000

  97. Marco Morbidelli Italy 194000

  98. Filip Dolezal Czech Republic 193000

  99. Daniele Solidoro Italy 189000

  100. Peppino Finocchi Italy 189000

  101. Nico Marraffa Italy 187000

  102. Jonas Steinmueller Germany 181000

  103. Giuseppe Tarsia Italy 180000

  104. Fedai Yolcu Austria 177000

  105. Michele Dipalma Italy 177000

  106. Francis Alfred Jean Mari Klar Germany 167000

  107. Samuele Mezzano Italy 162000

  108. Kadir Karadag Germany 154000

  109. Federico Filicicchia Italy 149000

  110. Antonio Turrisi Italy 140000

  111. Vincenzo Ruggiero Italy 139000

  112. Dejan Tadic Serbia 136000

  113. Giuseppe Stallo Italy 135000

  114. Paulus Petrus Maria Schilderman Netherlands 122000

  115. Matthias Kribben Germany 113000

  116. tiktok Iraq 61000

  117. Angelica Fanelli Italy 60000

Unofficial Chipcount Day1King's Prague

Entries 132/ Left 17

  1. CLAUDIO DI GIACOMO 1.286.000


  3. FILIP ROMAN 745.000


  5. ROMAN CHOCHOLA 590.000

  6. PETR TARGA 395.000

  7. MICHAL JAN BUBEL 382.000



  10. ALPINE NEMESIS 233.000

  11. MOMODOU JOBE 196.000

  12. KAREL NOVOTNY 195.000

  13. FRANCESCO BLASIO 183.000


  15. ZDENEK SEDLACEK 96.000

  16. QUAN ZHANG 62.000


Unofficial overall chipcount + Seat redraw Day2

Entries 4137/ left 490

  1. Ioannis Kyriakopoulos Greece 1363000 97 8

  2.  Fl_Orian Germany 1342000 152 3

  3. Roman Docenko Russian Federation 1341000 100 3

  4. Angelo Fiorentino Italy 1309000 111 9

  5. Claudio Di Giacomo Italy 1286000 144 8

  6. Wissam Ouertani Italy 1232000 92 4

  7. Christian Niederer Switzerland 1208000 122 7

  8.  CARLISLE Czech Republic 1164000 95 8

  9. Leonidas Kalaitzidis Germany 1156000 113 6

  10.  malibu Czech Republic 1142000 140 3

  11. Rachid Allouch Germany 1140000 122 3

  12. Danas Dambrauskas Lithuania 1138000 106 2

  13. Michele Nurchi Italy 1092000 144 3

  14. Pavlo Tormozov Ukraine 1085000 105 4

  15.  PizzaIolo Germany 1067000 86 5

  16. Kazim Bilecan Turkey 1060000 85 7

  17. Luc Ramos Switzerland 1047000 80 8

  18. Vincenzo Merola Italy 1044000 90 1

  19. Daniel Danny Eihaiany Israel 1038000 120 9

  20. Alexandru Budai Romania 1026000 166 2

  21. Michele Mercurio Italy 994000 146 2

  22.  Peter Müller Germany 989000 121 8

  23.  YamR46 Germany 980000 102 3

  24. Sandor Gal Hungary 959000 113 8

  25. Narcis Dumitru Ilie Romania 950000 132 5

  26. Iosif Balint Romania 937000 81 9

  27. Prela Niki Croatia 931000 80 7

  28.  Frex Germany 927000 148 9

  29. Sergio Ruiz Capel Spain 921000 161 2

  30. Ondrej Mar Czech Republic 916000 126 6

  31. Patrick Alexander Stoerr Germany 905000 116 4

  32. Jaroslav Bartak Slovakia 880000 105 8

  33.  B.S. Italy 874000 89 1

  34.  Hasse fati Sweden 859000 129 8

  35. Mohamed Ouassini Aissaoui France 858000 142 4

  36. Fabien Henry Baldelli France 855000 90 3

  37. Gregor Eberharter Austria 844000 144 7

  38. Anna Tsyhryk 1473 Ukraine 840000 83 8

  39. Biagio Morciano Italy 830000 126 5

  40.  SpongeBoB Poland 821000 127 7

  41. Thodoris Bariampas Greece 815000 123 3

  42. Salvatore Panzera Italy 813000 143 4

  43. Timothy Daniel Friese United States 812000 147 3

  44. Francesco Ottaviano Italy 810000 138 6

  45. Gheorghi Tafratov Bulgaria 806000 151 6

  46. Alexander Denk Germany 806000 97 4

  47. Pierluigi Cicchelli Italy 805000 138 4

  48. Gaetano Moreci Italy 796000 149 3

  49.  Karma is a cat Germany 791000 141 2

  50. Milad Sheva Germany 783000 140 4

  51. Francesco Veronese Italy 781000 121 1

  52. Tamas Geiger Hungary 766000 134 7

  53. Ufuk Yildirim Denmark 754000 137 3

  54.  Paimon Germany 754000 131 4

  55. Gergely Voeroes Hungary 753000 137 2

  56. Daniel Dobrev Iordanov Bulgaria 745000 140 7

  57. Filip Roman Slovakia 745000 90 6

  58. Mark Michael Von Wartburg Switzerland 738000 147 5

  59. Sergio Vincenzo Regalbuto Italy 735000 82 2

  60. Goekhan Guengoer Turkey 729000 80 3

  61. Enzo Marius Boucherat France 724000 87 8

  62. Marc Treffer Germany 719000 138 7

  63. Bogdan Alexandru Bogorin Romania 718000 86 4

  64. Goran Curic Croatia 718000 115 8

  65. Maksym Knyzhenko Ukraine 717000 149 1

  66. Luigi Lavigna Italy 715000 80 9

  67. Emmanouil Zacharakis Greece 714000 90 9

  68. Ruslan Volkov Ukraine 701000 88 1

  69. Franz Christian Doblinger Germany 692000 164 8

  70. Ngoc Minh Hoang Czech Republic 689000 106 4

  71. Aleksandar Verstovsek Serbia 685000 126 2

  72. Danilo Cisternino Italy 680000 85 6

  73. Alen Keser Slovenia 678000 106 9

  74. Devid Scifo Italy 674000 110 2

  75. Marijan Tadic Croatia 673000 150 5

  76. Miroslav Zitka Czech Republic 670000 139 5

  77. Peter Kamaras Hungary 668000 142 3

  78. Francisc Voidoc Romania 663000 162 6

  79. Devy Scattone Belgium 662000 108 7

  80. Nixon Hunter Dalton United States 658000 123 4

  81. Adriano De Bessa France 655000 165 3

  82. Michal Skala Czech Republic 653000 112 7

  83. Redouan Bettioui Belgium 651000 164 2

  84. Yakov Bar El Israel 645000 104 5

  85. Frank Thomas Stumpf Germany 644000 108 8

  86. Sergei Konovalov Russian Federation 642000 166 8

  87. David Petrak Czech Republic 639000 150 3

  88. Dawid Andrzej Moschko Germany 639000 162 1

  89.  APO96 Bosnia and Herzegovina 631000 97 5

  90. Filib Yacoub Switzerland 626000 145 2

  91. Martino Cito Italy 626000 108 4

  92. Silas Germann Switzerland 626000 122 9

  93. Rene Lamik Germany 623000 123 7

  94. Robert Stanislaw Gruszecki Poland 620000 113 2

  95. Jaromir Hanel Czech Republic 619000 107 8

  96. Darius Sakevicius Lithuania 615000 115 3

  97. Giovanni Crescimone Italy 612000 160 6

  98. Sergio Riitano Italy 608000 146 9

  99. Lars Kooistra Netherlands 602000 105 6

  100. Florian Christian Kast Germany 601000 100 9

  101. Roman Chochola Czech Republic 590000 92 8

  102. Frank Kornau Germany 589000 152 7

  103. Povilas Astasauskas Lithuania 587000 142 8

  104. Michal Miks Czech Republic 582000 112 5

  105. Sadek Habib Germany 578000 83 6

  106. Anton Riad Bishara Bulgaria 577000 147 6

  107. Sandor Mate Hungary 577000 103 5

  108.  OXYMORON Romania 576000 92 2

  109. Mahir Bayram Turkey 575000 130 5

  110.  Matter Sweema Serbia 575000 118 2

  111. Mario Magistro Italy 573000 127 2

  112. Felix Belz Germany 573000 85 9

  113.  JULIO Spain 570000 147 1

  114. Julien Albert P Fabris Belgium 568000 133 3

  115. Daniel Strachinescu Romania 565000 149 6

  116. Galina Stoyanova Tsexova Bulgaria 563000 159 1

  117. Yizhaq Hay Israel 562000 159 3

  118. Philipp Miesl Austria 557000 119 1

  119. Stavros Siogas Greece 555000 166 1

  120. Gheorghe Pop Romania 553000 87 4

  121. Tobias Andree Germany 547000 89 9

  122.  Dennis Germany 543000 98 9

  123. Gianpaolo Schiraldi Italy 542000 128 5

  124. Marco Di Persio Italy 540000 108 2

  125. Konrad Detlef Werner Nather Germany 540000 87 3

  126.  Momo Bosnia and Herzegovina 540000 104 2

  127.  Zigigi Georgia 539000 162 7

  128. Giovanni Spagnoletti Italy 535000 89 2

  129.  AVES Bulgaria 535000 161 5

  130. Antonio Cabboi Germany 531000 136 3

  131. Goran Lukac Switzerland 530000 120 8

  132. Tommaso Bentivoglio Italy 527000 102 1

  133. Vitali Mahileuski Belarus 525000 148 2

  134. Thomas Ferad Demir Turkey 518000 119 2

  135.  EASYMANNY Germany 518000 113 9

  136. Piotr Karol Wasilewski Poland 516000 131 5

  137.  Profiler910 Italy 515000 134 9

  138. Eldor Levy Sahar Israel 515000 128 7

  139. Sebastian Kappenberg Germany 513000 91 1

  140. Endrit Haxhia Albania 512000 145 1

  141. Alexandru Farcasanu Romania 512000 131 8

  142. Rudolf Adolf Kosa Austria 511000 136 9

  143. Silvio Gruppuso Italy 510000 105 9

  144. Eran Rozenfeld Israel 510000 117 4

  145.  King George Germany 508000 95 7

  146.  CHRIS07 Germany 506000 82 7

  147.  Chrisj.1 Germany 504000 110 7

  148.  PEPA G. Czech Republic 502000 137 8

  149. Abdelkarim Benabi France 500000 88 9

  150. Francesco Polito Germany 499000 125 3

  151. Caren Pidjoian Moldova, Republic of 497000 139 2

  152.  CARLOS Poland 496000 123 9

  153. Johann Schamne Germany 496000 106 1

  154. Michail Kavouras Greece 493000 152 9

  155. Vasileios Kollias Greece 491000 114 8

  156. Daniel Granov Czech Republic 482000 83 2

  157.  TH3 Germany 481000 104 3

  158.  Asamina Germany 481000 113 4

  159. Edvin Osmani Albania 480000 126 7

  160. Dor Shlomo Edry Israel 479000 129 2

  161. Vasileios Tsaknis Greece 477000 138 1

  162. Symeon Alexandridis Greece 476000 140 5

  163. Petrick Renaldo Sirait Germany 474000 145 4

  164.  Kubala Germany 472000 85 8

  165. Domenico Masella Italy 471000 134 1

  166. Jerome Julien Stritmatter France 466000 81 7

  167. Krzysztof Mateusz Wawryniuk Poland 463000 146 7

  168. Florian Bock Germany 462000 152 4

  169. Bernd Dieter Walter Delius Germany 457000 141 5

  170. Thomas Kurt Kastenhuber Germany 456000 97 3

  171. Gabriel Dobromir Rymar Poland 455000 131 7

  172. Nicolae Claudiu Modrea Romania 453000 99 2

  173. Patrick Christian Wolff Germany 452000 140 6

  174. Luca Gonzo Italy 452000 160 3

  175. Marigel Trimi Albania 450000 89 6

  176.  Alessandro Italy 450000 163 4

  177. Domenico Fabio Postorino Italy 450000 85 2

  178. Wolfgang Streb Germany 448000 150 1

  179. Antonello Zaccaria Italy 445000 101 3

  180. Alexey Mishuk Israel 444000 86 8

  181.  Arthur Cazaux Germany 442000 112 8

  182. Omar Regent Czech Republic 440000 100 5

  183. Tomas Chovanec Slovakia 439000 111 1

  184. Mario Corso Italy 438000 151 9

  185.  Juri Germany 438000 135 1

  186. Filippo Milano Italy 432000 88 3

  187.  Skeptikus Netherlands 432000 150 6

  188. Antonino Caleca Italy 431000 135 5

  189. Dan Sfarlea Romania 430000 101 7

  190.  QUESO MANCHEGO Germany 429000 129 7

  191. Jiri Noga Czech Republic 427000 117 8

  192. Bernard Daniel P Fach Belgium 423000 126 1

  193. Nizar Abu Daoud Israel 421000 115 5

  194.  Jokerstar21 Austria 421000 109 5

  195. Emanuele Brudaglio Italy 418000 103 7

  196. Andreas Roeder Austria 418000 163 3

  197. Ennio Bazzucchi Italy 414000 94 6

  198.  MFG777 Germany 413000 96 5

  199. Lorenzo Pio Italy 413000 114 9

  200. Lukas Klima Czech Republic 410000 101 5

  201. Valter Affatato Italy 409000 103 3

  202. Wolfgang Schloegelhofer Austria 406000 165 8

  203. Vitoldas Rogoza Lithuania 405000 121 4

  204. Adrian Iacob Romania 404000 133 1

  205. Fabian Lange Germany 404000 123 1

  206. Oleg Jdan Moldova, Republic of 404000 141 8

  207. Enrico Grella Italy 402000 162 2

  208. Pawel Zawadowicz Poland 400000 96 7

  209. Ilkay Mutlu Belgium 397000 119 6

  210. Andrii Stebelskyi Poland 397000 143 1

  211. Johannes Park Skak Denmark 396000 129 3

  212. Nicola Sasso Italy 396000 106 7

  213.  Dino Montenegro 395000 146 4

  214. Petr Targa Czech Republic 395000 166 6

  215. Francesco Andre Valentini Italy 395000 121 7

  216. Rafik Jebali Italy 392000 105 1

  217. Miroslav Salaj Slovakia 392000 86 1

  218.  Italian poker beast Greece 390000 137 9

  219. Stefan Raschbauer Austria 389000 100 7

  220. Dragoslav Timarac Serbia 389000 86 6

  221. Giovanni Panariti Italy 389000 103 4

  222. Federica Fabiani Italy 389000 82 9

  223. Giorgio Soceanu Italy 388000 123 5

  224. Dinko Meter Croatia 386000 124 3

  225.  ONE7TWO Slovenia 382000 88 8

  226. Michal Jan Bubel Poland 382000 124 4

  227. Zeljko Gadzic Croatia 382000 148 3

  228. Kurt Radinger Austria 380000 141 7

  229. Kostadin Mihaylov Mihaylov Bulgaria 374000 148 6

  230. Svajunas Seduikis Lithuania 373000 133 4

  231. Adam Stanislaw Siwicki Poland 372000 151 8

  232. Santo Gallo Switzerland 371000 98 4

  233. Nicola Stagi Italy 370000 106 8

  234. Aleksandar Nikolaev Nanchev Bulgaria 370000 145 8

  235.  Louis Beton Germany 368000 82 1

  236.  DT Germany 368000 148 5

  237. George Inan Netherlands 367000 130 6

  238. Mathias Emil Baekhoej Karlberg Denmark 366000 134 4

  239. Patrick Ronacher Austria 365000 139 3

  240. Martin Ehrensperger Switzerland 365000 108 1

  241. Mr George Ralph De Bathe United Kingdom 365000 124 1

  242. Mitar Ceranic Montenegro 363000 102 8

  243. Boaz Fisher Israel 363000 129 6

  244. Francesco Pio Russo Italy 357000 90 4

  245. Edis Becic Slovenia 356000 159 6

  246. Gabriel Iemmito Italy 355000 91 5

  247.  Skibtz Germany 355000 96 6

  248.  DaraMostar Germany 354000 143 2

  249. Adrian Ziemichod Poland 354000 159 9

  250.  CEMOOOOO Germany 352000 119 5

  251. Albert Ryan Santander Hernandez United States 351000 94 2

  252. Bogdan Alexandru Tilica Romania 348000 114 5

  253. Raphael David Pelzers Germany 347000 117 1

  254. Andrea Iocco Italy 346000 81 4

  255. Placido Pastanella Italy 344000 142 2

  256.  MINGGU Switzerland 343000 146 6

  257. Ionnis Georgopoulos Greece 342000 164 1

  258. Michael Adam Czech Republic 341000 147 4

  259. Renato Alberto Ardelean Romania 340000 164 9

  260. Thanh Tung Hoang Czech Republic 340000 84 2

  261. PiuPiu Israel 339000 135 4

  262. Mauro Spurio Italy 339000 92 3

  263. Marc Marcel Eicher Switzerland 338000 120 6

  264. Paul Vlad Craciunas Romania 338000 152 5

  265. Yann Laurent Frederic Lormel France 338000 126 3

  266. Dariusz Robert Charski Poland 335000 138 3

  267.  Mirza Sweden 332000 163 1

  268. Agostino Aleazzi Italy 332000 112 2

  269. Tomas Kral Czech Republic 331000 116 1

  270. Csaba Kilin Borsos Spain 331000 136 5

  271. Giorgio Di Scala Italy 330000 111 3

  272. Martin Ivanov Georgiev Bulgaria 329000 103 8

  273. Amar Reso Italy 328000 125 8

  274. Tibor Hoffmann Hungary 327000 94 7

  275.  SchweiniFFM Germany 325000 133 5

  276. Albert Kolmberger Germany 325000 149 9

  277. Markus Niklaus Switzerland 324000 110 8

  278. Yaron Turgeman Portugal 324000 95 5

  279. Dushko Bogoevski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 323000 161 1

  280. Ralph Dittmar Germany 322000 101 9

  281. Adrian Modoran Romania 320000 115 1

  282. Ignazio De Rosa Italy 320000 109 6

  283. Emanuele Grande Switzerland 320000 135 8

  284. Daniele Vesco Italy 319000 137 1

  285. Jan Farkas Czech Republic 319000 130 4

  286.  NINUZZU Italy 319000 80 5

  287. Aliaksei Chernak Belarus 318000 96 1

  288.  SLAVUJ Montenegro 318000 162 3

  289. Carmine Salvioli Italy 316000 133 7

  290. Stefan Hulin Slovakia 316000 120 4

  291. Dragos Constantin Grigore Belgium 316000 118 9

  292. Angelo Augusto Carminati Italy 315000 97 9

  293. Carlo Gamba Italy 315000 161 7

  294. Christopher Campisano Italy 314000 104 7

  295. Mathias Busse Germany 314000 110 9

  296. Alfredo Ranaudo Italy 311000 143 3

  297.  Arman Netherlands 309000 102 4

  298. Erik Jahnsen Germany 307000 91 3

  299. Alexandar Georgiev Skobelev Bulgaria 301000 149 4

  300. Branislav Ondrus Slovakia 301000 95 4

  301. Sebastian Andrzej Marzec Poland 299000 116 7

  302. Vincenzo De Angelis Italy 298000 92 6

  303. Anthony Benja Mahaut France 294000 118 3

  304. Stanislav Polacek Czech Republic 294000 110 5

  305. Gianmarco Martini Italy 294000 94 1

  306. Li Sheng Hu China 289000 136 1

  307. Stephan Michael Dawo Germany 288000 117 9

  308. Dursun Ali Orta Turkey 286000 139 7

  309. Salvatore Terdossi Italy 285000 107 6

  310. Salvatore Bifulco Italy 285000 132 1

  311. Antonio Fragale Italy 285000 149 2

  312. Josef Kollar Czech Republic 283000 98 3

  313. Robert Nechifor Dascalescu Romania 283000 150 7

  314. Alexander Thoss Germany 279000 141 9

  315. Mathias Falandys Germany 279000 110 6

  316. Adrian Hyseni Albania 278000 84 6

  317. Andrea Fabrizi Italy 274000 116 5

  318. Ferat Uysal Turkey 274000 84 5

  319. Rafail Athanasios Bolousis Greece 274000 165 9

  320. Maria Constanza Lampropulos Greece 273000 104 6

  321. Maximilian Florian Hel Gruber Germany 273000 98 1

  322. Armand Muratoglu France 272000 165 4

  323. Marco Siciliano Switzerland 270000 128 1

  324.  LORD MULLIGAN Germany 269000 142 1

  325. Miguel Caballero Costa Spain 268000 113 1

  326. Roger Imesch Switzerland 268000 102 2

  327. Ciprian Paunescu Romania 268000 99 3

  328.  Mephisto Germany 267000 121 2

  329.  D.BiBoss France 266000 81 3

  330. Marian Ionel Vulpe Romania 266000 128 9

  331. Alija Besirevic Bosnia and Herzegovina 266000 116 3

  332.  Leroy Germany 266000 124 7

  333.  Frank D. Germany 266000 107 3

  334.  Demba Germany 265000 109 8

  335. Massimiliano Lucchetti Italy 262000 107 1

  336. Elvis Skokan Croatia 262000 139 1

  337.  BETON Czech Republic 262000 90 8

  338. Charalampos Panagiotis Kotsakis Greece 262000 81 2

  339. Milan Kolar Czech Republic 261000 144 4

  340. Miroslav Navratil Czech Republic 256000 114 3

  341. Rafa2017 Romania 256000 127 3

  342.  Barry Germany 255000 131 9

  343. Hendrik Nicolaas Mari Kremers Netherlands 255000 99 6

  344. Robin Volker Frey Germany 254000 160 1

  345. Lorena Del Treppo Croatia 254000 99 9

  346.  Dr J Switzerland 254000 95 9

  347. Ka Ming Li Netherlands 252000 84 4

  348. Franz Stefan Jung Germany 252000 127 5

  349. Oliver Ullrich Germany 251000 122 8

  350. Andrea Cacioppo Italy 250000 125 2

  351.  Beton Turkey 248000 96 8

  352. Marco Castellano Italy 248000 166 3

  353.  MOUSA Romania 247000 118 7

  354. Toni Zenovski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 247000 111 7

  355. Angel Marius Stanescu Romania 245000 98 6

  356. Tomas Schejbal Czech Republic 245000 136 7

  357. Andrei Alexandru Sasu Romania 245000 84 9

  358. Flaviano Cammisuli Italy 242000 96 4

  359.  Susan's husband Germany 241000 109 7

  360. Christoph Hillinger Austria 240000 97 7

  361. Davide Abbate Italy 240000 164 6

  362. Giacomo Evangelista Italy 239000 166 7

  363. Catalin Bogdan Dusa Romania 239000 163 8

  364. Lucian Tofan Romania 239000 118 5

  365. Alessandro Barone Italy 238000 144 2

  366. Zdenek Dostal Czech Republic 238000 103 9

  367. Michele Tocci Italy 237000 148 1

  368. Tiberio Siliberti Italy 236000 161 4

  369. Andrija Vujic Croatia 235000 99 1

  370. Maciej Ludwik Kondraszuk Poland 234000 160 5

  371.  Alpine Nemesis Czech Republic 233000 118 1

  372. Dario Vilardi Italy 233000 144 9

  373.  Cimi Italy 233000 129 5

  374. Stefan Alexandru Drusca United Kingdom 231000 85 5

  375. Stefan Wittmann Germany 231000 109 9

  376. Sandro Danilo Piccinno Italy 231000 117 2

  377.  MARIO Romania 230000 89 4

  378. Fatih Mehmet Akin Turkey 229000 124 2

  379.  kamikaze Germany 228000 94 5

  380. Roland Schweinstetter Germany 227000 128 8

  381. Christos Christou Cyprus 227000 130 9

  382. Alexandru Pintilie Romania 225000 120 1

  383. Amatore Terrafino Italy 223000 127 9

  384. Aliaksei Ivanou Belarus 222000 143 7

  385. Paweł Piotr Staszewski Poland 220000 95 3

  386. Kurt Filter Switzerland 218000 87 6

  387. Vladimir Minarik Slovakia 214000 105 7

  388. Mr Andrei Manoliu United Kingdom 214000 101 6

  389. Yves Paul Ober France 213000 100 4

  390.  Just4Fun@Kings Netherlands 210000 107 4

  391. Milos Nemeth Slovakia 210000 151 2

  392. Robert Marcu Romania 208000 145 9

  393. Flurim Alija XXK 206000 151 5

  394. Robert Bunn Germany 206000 130 3

  395. Mihail Atanasov Kamburov Bulgaria 205000 130 7

  396. Krzysztof Janusz Sikorski Poland 204000 89 3

  397. Michal Cep Czech Republic 203000 104 8

  398. Alexander Avraham Poizner Israel 200000 160 9

  399. Alessandro De Michele Italy 200000 152 6

  400. Stanislav Tsekov Tomov Bulgaria 199000 159 5

  401. Tomasz Kopec Poland 196000 140 9

  402. Momodou Jobe Gambia 196000 101 2

  403. Karel Novotny Czech Republic 195000 116 2

  404. Oliver Mihajlovski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 194000 83 1

  405.  ARIC 69 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 194000 98 8

  406. Marco Morbidelli Italy 194000 150 2

  407. Filip Dolezal Czech Republic 193000 115 2

  408. Giuseppe Dell Omo Italy 192000 133 8

  409. Daniele Solidoro Italy 189000 145 5

  410. Peppino Finocchi Italy 189000 161 6

  411. Nikolay Migachev Israel 189000 99 4

  412. Nico Marraffa Italy 187000 134 5

  413. Simeon Dimitrov Stoyanov Bulgaria 186000 92 5

  414. Florin Adrian Bilan Romania 186000 135 9

  415.  DRETZ Romania 185000 122 2

  416. Francesco Blasio Italy 183000 125 9

  417. Bogdan Nicolae Ilies Romania 182000 84 7

  418. Michele Nizzardelli Italy 181000 125 6

  419. Jonas Steinmueller Germany 181000 112 6

  420. Ettore Esposito Italy 180000 147 7

  421. Giuseppe Tarsia Italy 180000 94 4

  422. Fedai Yolcu Austria 177000 83 9

  423. Paolo Calculli Italy 177000 160 8

  424. Michele Dipalma Italy 177000 114 2

  425. Diego Alejandro Miyashiro Uechi Peru 176000 111 2

  426. Christoph Tanner Switzerland 171000 91 9

  427. Nikos Nikolaou Greenland 169000 120 3

  428. Francis Alfred Jean Mari Klar Germany 167000 119 3

  429.  GLADIATOR Romania 165000 136 4

  430.  ALL-IN Germany 165000 132 9

  431.  AMISRHAI Israel 164000 82 3

  432. Samuele Mezzano Italy 162000 132 8

  433.  klokan Czech Republic 161000 82 4

  434.  BJKO7 Turkey 161000 109 2

  435.  CallWayne Germany 161000 80 6

  436. Sandro Pitzanti Netherlands 160000 91 8

  437. Doron Lavi Israel 160000 119 4

  438. Hendrik Kwiatkowski Germany 158000 132 4

  439. Pasquale Vinci Italy 156000 132 3

  440.  DRAX Czech Republic 156000 165 1

  441.  MONTANA Germany 154000 137 5

  442. Kadir Karadag Germany 154000 91 4

  443.  MALITO Germany 153000 117 3

  444. Antonios Georgiadias Greece 152000 102 6

  445. Paul Mihai Banateanu Romania 152000 100 6

  446.  Abrechner Germany 152000 83 7

  447. Walter Nardelli Italy 152000 122 6

  448. Aleksandar Konstanti Georgiev Bulgaria 149000 165 6

  449. Federico Filicicchia Italy 149000 146 5

  450. Roberto Gerosa Switzerland 148000 91 6

  451. Scottie Duane Howington United States 145000 111 6

  452.  JABU 69 Germany 145000 121 9

  453. Yaacov Adir Elharar Israel 144000 164 7

  454. Giorgio Silvestrin Italy 144000 163 5

  455. Vitalii Shcherba Ukraine 142000 88 6

  456. Alessandro Luccheddu Italy 140000 163 9

  457.  FILIPKOT Poland 140000 139 6

  458. Antonio Turrisi Italy 140000 129 1

  459. Vincenzo Ruggiero Italy 139000 96 2

  460.  Mr. Honey Israel 139000 159 2

  461. Safwane Anwar Bahri France 136000 112 3

  462. Dejan Tadic Serbia 136000 143 8

  463. Giuseppe Stallo Italy 135000 84 8

  464. Viktor Herr Germany 133000 86 3

  465.  Mozzart Croatia 132000 143 9

  466. Igor Piotr Narajczyk Poland 127000 87 9

  467.  LUKARELL0 Czech Republic 125000 142 9

  468. Dogan Guengoer Switzerland 124000 141 3

  469. Paulus Petrus Maria Schilderman Netherlands 122000 89 7

  470.  GRECU C. Romania 120000 127 8

  471. Luca Angella Italy 116000 115 4

  472. Catalin Paul Diac Romania 113000 108 5

  473. Matthias Kribben Germany 113000 166 5

  474. Roberto Di Giuseppe Italy 107000 87 1

  475. Marius Serban Moldoveanu Romania 104000 151 4

  476. Zdenek Sedlacek Czech Republic 96000 162 9

  477. Ehud Agnon Israel 94000 81 6

  478. Patrick Schwarz Germany 89000 146 1

  479.  eMKey Slovakia 88000 135 7

  480. Todor Ivkovikj Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 87000 134 3

  481. Dawid Lelito Poland 80000 88 7

  482. Roger Steiner Switzerland 70000 125 1

  483. Markus Ganglbauer Austria 70000 138 9

  484. Quan Zhang China 62000 128 2

  485.  tiktok Iraq 61000 124 9

  486. Angelica Fanelli Italy 60000 135 2

  487.  Marius NIXON Romania 54000 114 1

  488. Natale Allegra Italy 45000 124 5

  489. Habip Yilmaz Turkey 37000 107 5

  490. Nikolai Ogoltsov Russian Federation 25000 131 1


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